Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Okay, as soon as I get 500 of you viewers (which by the way I think would be very strange) I am changing location. Mostly because I don;t know how to change the URL. If you know, then please leave it in the comment section. thanks

Removing posts isn't fun! so that's why I cross them out instead cause its funner... Yes I am aware that funner isn't a word. But you know what I think? I think that saying more fun just sucks all the fun out of it, which then makes it no point in saying how fun it is because you're not having as much fun as you really want to. So in plain talk I say funner because it's funner

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Okay first I'd like to say, that if there is going to be a new sly cooper, this will most likely not be the title. But, I am creating a fan fiction on Sly Cooper. I am on fanfition.net, so I will be posting this story here and there. That way if i accidently break one of their rules and they kick me off or something, then at least I'll have the story here. And also, if you guys are just a bunch of random people that are clicking 'next blog' at the top, then I will have it on fanfiction.net. Okay, I already started the first chapter, but I promise you all, that if you come on this blog on May 30th, there will be a story there entitled: Sly Cooper: Theives in action... or maybe I'll change the title. But, you get the point so I'm going to stop typing now

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Oh, and I have some news. Okay so you know how I'm trying to write that story? Okay, I'm going to try to have the first chapter finished and uploaded by Memorial Day which, by the way is May 30th. NOT THE CLOSEST MONDAY!!! It is only celebrated on that day. capeche? coolz.

does this look cool or what? sorry not related to sly cooper whatsoever but still

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Okay I haven't thought of a witty enough title but obviously its fanfiction so you know: Sly Cooper fanfiction. I also haven't finished the first chapter because I was trying to write the prologue. Then, I found this website that had more info on that in case someone doesn't know everything that happened before. So yeah, heres the link:
