Sunday, June 30, 2013

hi guys

I'm so sorry, I know I've kind of been ignoring you guys lately.. So to make it up to you, i have some good news...

first, I'm working on some mini sly cooper stories that I will have out for you soon i've been collecting these:

^^^Okay, now thats just demeaning... but pretty cool! I have to admit!! LOL

^^^THANK-YOU! SOMEONE ELSE THINKS THIS TOO!!! I mean, is there something wrong with looking in thre barrel guards? or is it going to explode in your face?! wait... I take that back.. it might...............

^^^So true..

^^^If you don't agree with this, you're crazy



^^^Okay, this one has a pretty large story behind it.. So i was teaching my cousin to play sly 2, and Bently says "to jump on the rope, jump and press the circle button" And my cousin bursts out laughing and is like "haha, yea because people push the circle button to grab things!!" and to this day, we tell each other to hit the circle button!! 




Sunday, June 16, 2013

wholly shoot

This is so creepy. I officially feel like I'm a part of a group with people who need to keep their 'le pradox' figures away from their 'sly cooper' figures..


We already have 900 pageviews guys! only 1000 to go until i actually start posting sly cooper related stuff... I have some ideas for some short stories, that I will also post on also, going to wait til next summer to post my other big fanfic, sorry guys. I want more time to figure out what's up with its kinda confusing...

Also, I'd really like some of you guys to start following this blog. Then I'll actually know who's reading this stuff.. Thanks! And oh, i almost for got!!



Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Hello my readers, go to this.... it's my friends blog

If you guys went to the link above, you're all traitors.. that 'friend' is dead meat.. instead go to



Monday, June 10, 2013

I'm sorry guys, I haven't been on lately.... so, once we hit 1000 pageveiws, I'll start posting again. It might also go for the story too. IDK. Sorry guys, I'm in a writers block, and my schedule no longer works since I believe I have to finish the whole thing before I post it on IDK yet. I'm going to test that out with some other fanfictions. Alright, that's it for now, and until I hit 1000 pageveiws, so yea.. Oh, and btw, what I mean by that is that I want you guys to spread the word around about this blog. I want lots of pageveiws so hopefully this idea could get noticed =D

please check out the following URL's:

Sunday, June 2, 2013

In case you don't know the to the story thing, click here

I know this has absolutly nothing to do with sly cooper but... well actually technically it does because I was looking on youtube for sly cooper stuff, and i found a friend of mine posted this on google +... anyway it's hilarious you better check it out. click here

secondly, I will have the first part up tonight, but it's kind of bad, but get over it. i'm just starting it for goodness sakes!

I can't believe it! nobody, not anybody has viewed this blog today! well, I guess I don't have to post my story today now do I? I guess I will just wait til next Sunday. =/

Oh, and just so ya know, if any of you guys are looking forward to as story with swears, then go to some other blog. Because you're not getting much here. pretty much the same language as the game. well, actually I think I might do like a PG13 type thing...
